Wednesday, January 25, 2012

From Sharon Michaels' Blog: Controlling my CATTS!

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I’ve decided this coming year I will be more in control of my CATTS – yes, my CATTS. Sometimes I get so caught up in what I can’t control that I lose track of what I have the power to control. I’m making a resolution to myself that during the coming year I will stay focused on what I have the power to control and not stress about those things over which I have no, or very little, control.
I invite you to come join me in controlling the CATTS in your life too.
This year I resolve to control my:
1. C -choices and decisions – I’m resolving to make wiser decisions and choices. I will stop, take a deep breath and think before “I leap.” This coming year I will make the time to weigh the pros and cons of major decisions and make choices that will be of benefit to me personally, professionally and financially. I’ll remember this quotation from Charlotte Bronte, “Look twice before you leap.”
2. A -actions and reactions – I resolve that I will think before I act and/or speak – I will neither act nor speak out of haste or anger. I will act and react from a place of emotional empowerment and will not allow my emotions to control my good sense.
3. T -thoughts – I realize that thoughts become “things” and that I attract to me what I think about most. I resolve to think in terms of solutions and results. I resolve to focus my thoughts and mental energy on what I want to achieve, believing that I can and will make my goals a reality.
4. T -time – I resolve to control my time so my time does not control me. I will say “No” more often to those things that will waste time or are not in my best interest. I resolve also to carve out more quality time to rejuvenate myself in mind, body and spirit because I deserve it!
5. S -self-talk – I resolve to talk to myself with respect and dignity. Berating myself verbally or emotionally is injurious to my self-esteem and weakens my self-confidence. I will be kind and considerate to myself at all times.
How about it – are you going to join me during the coming year and together we will focus on those things over which we have the power to control – our CATTS?

Copyright © 2011 Sharon Michaels – All Rights Reserved
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